Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Exercising on a budget

Dear ladies. We all like to have our body in shape, but sometimes you also have to pay attention to your budget and a gym membership is very expensive. Today, we will give you some tips on how to stay in shape on a budget, because we have to keep in mind to move over 30 minutes every day!

A budget tip is to go for a swim in the morning before classes or work. Most of the time there is an early bird discount and you will start your day fresh. Exercising gives you a lot of energy especially in the morning.

If you do want to go to a gym, but you don’t have the money for a wellness center, try to look for a budget gym. They are cheaper because they don’t have spa facilities and sometimes don’t offer group lessons. The disadvantage of these gyms is that they are very busy at particular times during the day. If you can avoid those hours it is a good budget option.

Besides low budget tips we also have some tips to work out for free. Tip 1: take the stars instead of the elevator or the escalator. For example, when you have to go to the 6th floor, go up by using the elevator but when you leave take the stars. It is easier going down the stairs than going up and it will burn calories. You will use over 200 muscles and 15 minutes of taking the stairs equals 30 minutes jogging!

Tip 2 is cleaning your apartment. During this activity you will use many muscles and you will burn many calories and afterwards your apartment is nice and clean. For example, 30 minutes of vacuuming burns over 120 calories and ironing almost 80. Cleaning you windows will burn 120 calories.

For our third tip you need a friend  for company and nice weather. You can do many different activities outside which are good for your body and shape. Go for a run through the park and if you don’t like running go for a walk, because walking takes 100 calories per 30 minutes. Or go to the beach, because walking through the sand is much harder. If you have roller blades, you can use them. It is fun, fast and it burns a lot of calories, but keep your safety in mind. Use the right equipment and protection.

The next video will show you a funny way of walking and exercising together.

Do not try this at home, but use it to get inspired!

Later on this week we will give some tips for the woman who like to exercise outside. You can create your own bootcamp!


  1. Great tips! I especially like the tip about cleaning...I sometimes forget that I can get in a workout and also get a clean home at the same time instead of going to the gym. Thanks for the reminder :-)

  2. Wat handig zeg, zo'n blog heb ik nog nooit gezien.
    Wij volgen je, zou je het leuk vinden ons ook te volgen ?

  3. Thanks Floor en Luna! We zijn jullie ook gaan volgen, erg leuke posts hebben jullie!
